Kingdom Plantae
Kingdom Plantae: Overview
This topic covers concepts, such as, Plantae, Cryptogams, Dicot & Ipomoea etc.
Important Questions on Kingdom Plantae
Horsetail refers to various plant species of the Marsilea genus.

Marsilea is a genus of ferns.

Marchantia lacks true roots, stem and leaves.

Marchantia possesses specialised tissues for the conduction of water and nutrients.

Fill in the blank with the correct option provided in the bracket.
Marchantia belongs to the taxonomic division _____(Thallophyta/Bryophyta/Pteridophyta).

What is the taxonomic division of the genus Marchantia?

Which one of the following belongs to the division Bryophyta?

Which among the following is a Bryophyte?

Sweet potato is the modification of adventitious root.

Cladophora that was used for studying the first action spectrum for photosynthesis belongs to which group?

Identify the given picture and name the plant.

Write the scientific (generic and specific) name of the algae "Sea lettuce".

The reason why Funaria is a bryophyte is

Function of rhizoids are absorption and fixation in _____. (spirogyra, funaria)

Which one of the following is a bryophytes.

Ulothrix is a _____ alga. (Unicellular, multicellular)

Ulothrix is an alga that has chlorophyll.

Identify and describe the diagram of Funaria.

Funaria belongs to the division Pteridophyta.